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Friday, August 14, 2009

How to Learn Algebra

How to Learn Algebra

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Algebra is central to all Mathematics. However, many people find it incredibly difficult to master algebra while others don't even need to try. For those who find algebra difficult, you have come to the right place, hopefully, this will help with your questions.


  1. Begin by knowing how to do multiplication, division, addition and subtraction and handle exponents, ratios and fractions.
  2. When doing exercises in Algebra, ask yourself, What am I suppose to be learning from this?
  3. Do the work until you fully understand the concept behind the exercises you are doing.
  4. Do not skip over sections in your book, unless instructed to by your teacher. (Of course, you can skip over the review section in the front of the book).
  5. You should not expect answers to always be clean in algebra.
  6. Progress in algebra (and any other kind of math) requires work! Failure to work is why most algebra students fail.
  7. Ask your teacher to help you receive a better understanding of algebra. If your parents don't know, then your teacher is the next person you should turn to. After a maths lesson, ask your teacher for help, either explaining the topic and giving extra work to max out the algebra methods.


  • You can search the internet (or Wikihow) for other tips and ways to do Algebra. There's more than one way!
  • Be patient. Learning things can take time so don't quit
  • If you discover a serious mistake in your work, DON'T ERASE IT! Put a line through it and write farther down the page. Expect to have to use a lot of paper.
  • Remember what Einstein said," Do not be concerned with your difficulties in math. I can assure you that mine are still greater."

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Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Learn Algebra. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

1 comment:

Dissertation Writing said...

Its very valuable information about "How To Learn Algebra, I got many information from this post, Regards.